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Re: Cygwin Performance and stat()

On Jun  1 14:42, Christopher Wingert wrote:
> I think there are a lot of use cases where the extra information (ACL
> information *I assume* is the majority of the problem) is unnecessary. 
> For most of the applications filename, size, and the three dates are all
> that is necessary.  So cygwin stat is overkill.  So if I can tell the
> emulation layer (via an environment flag) or the actually utility
> (bash/ls/make/find/du) via a command line switch, I think I can save a lot
> of time waiting.
> Just to highlight how bad this problem is.  I have a network drive with
> 681 sub directories and approximately 90k files.  A time comparison for
> getting directory information as follows:
> *DOS "dir /s" takes 17 seconds.
> *Cygwin "ls -lR" takes 5950 seconds (that's almost two hours).
> *msls -lR takes 55 seconds.
> *myls (see code below) takes 7 seconds.
> Each test was done twice and after a reboot to make sure there was no
> caching involved.
> To be clear, Cygwin ls is 850X slower.

Did you try to mount the network drive with the "noacl" mount option?
That skips requesting the owner/group information.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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