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Re: Encounter undefined reference to `_libintl_dgettext'

On Tue, 1 Jun 2010 22:16:50 -0700 (PDT)
aldray <> wrote:
> I realise that whatever usb device i plug in, like iphone. on the
> Ubuntu gphoto2, it is able to detect the device.
> But when i do that on gphoto2 running on cygwin, it cannot detect
> anything. Is this some issue with the usb lib?

Very possibly.  libusb-win32 relies on a special 32-bit driver.  When I
was running XP I had mixed results with it, but on Win7 x64 it won't
work at all.

There may be an alternative: the libusb-compat package provides a
0.1-API compatibility layer on top of libusb-1.0, which doesn't
have those limitations.  I just built libgphoto2 against this version;
please give this a try instead:

Binary packages will be available later this week.  If you have further
questions about Ports packages, please direct them to the
cygwin-ports-general list.  Reply-To set accordingly.


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