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Re: Cygwin Performance and stat()

On 6/1/2010 8:06 PM, Christopher Wingert wrote:
That's fine, can you propose something that is acceptable?

Actually no, I'm no visionary here. It's not clear to me how to transparently determine what fields provided by stat() are used by a particular application. I suppose that it's possible to create some static analysis that could, in theory, determine this, which perhaps meshes with Eliot's idea to leverage autoconf. But that's just idle rumination on my part. And, of course, that's a compile rather than a runtime thing (not that anyone was advocating one over the other necessarily).

BTW, who does this patch need to pass muster with?  The only maintainer I
could find is Dave Korn.

Any patch would be to the Cygwin internals so it would need to go to the cygwin-patches list. The main reviewers would be Corinna and Chris. But I expect others may also chime in on something this fundamental.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


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