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Re: OCaml update / new maintainer?

On 2010-06-01 11:21, Andrew Schulman wrote:
Has anyone taken over maintainership of ocaml?  I seem to remember that we
had a volunteer a few months back...

I think I scared him away with the details. :-)

ocaml needs to be updated.  The current version (3.08.1) is several years
old.  I'm currently trying to build the latest version of Unison, and the
build is failing.  There are changes in the Unison Makefile that seem to
use newer features of OCaml, but I can't be sure without trying it on a
more recent version.

Agreed. In the meantime, there are packages in Ports, which also support stublibs and natdynlink modules:

(There's an interdependency between these two, so you'll want the binary packages first, then build flexdll followed by ocaml.)

The binary ocaml-labltk package in Ports uses my *NIX/X11 Tcl/Tk, so it can't go straight into the distro as-is, unless we finally make that change as well.


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