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AW: AW: [bulk] - Re: Reading /proc/registry/... returns extra char

> Von: Andrey Repin []
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 1. Juni 2010 01:35
> An: Zacharias, Norbert;
> Betreff: Re: AW: [bulk] - Re: Reading /proc/registry/... returns extra char
> Greetings, DEWI - N. Zacharias!
> >> As per
> >> >>definition of a text as "multiple strings".
> >> >>You don't need to argue over it, just document it properly :)
> >>
> >> > Converting a NUL to a EOL would be very strange behavior.
> >>
> >> Strange? I don't think so. I expect text data from text file. Not binary
> >> stream.
> > If the content of a file is binary or text has nothing to do with the file
> > structure. As an example a executable is a file as well.
> > So what you expect does not matter! The inner structure of a file depends on
> > the creator of the file.
> Inner structure of a REG_SZ variable is a... (surprize!) string!

Correct! A zero terminated c-style string! So agin what is your problem?

> >> > I don't think you really know what you're asking for.
> >>
> >> I know. Look at windows own regedit and Registry Browser FAR plugin as
> two
> >> examples.
> >> They do such two-way conversion transparently for user.
> > If you think that such a tool is a good idea, just contribute it.
> I don't think I need tools to filter string from string.

So why you bother us with this issue?

> > By the way I really don't know why you wasting time  on writing mails
> > instead of writing a short piece of code to handle such a string.
> I really don't know why you wasting time accusing me of wasting time?
> (I hope you got the point? It's my time, and I spending it as I see it fit)

You get all the information that you need to work with the registry.

Insisting on that other people should do an additional work just to please you will considered (at least by me)  as wasting time and increasing informational noise because there is nothing new or valuable in the additional mails .

 > Eg. in perl it is just one command called chomp.
> May be. I don't know Perl.

Thats your problem ;->=>

But to be serious just remove the last char from the string that's all.(simple isn't it ??)
In case you are using C you can even omit that because terminating a string with a zero byte is the native way of C to represent strings.

Have a nice day

Dipl. Phys.
Norbert Zacharias
Wind Measurements & Power Curve Measurements
Ebertstrasse 96
26382 Wilhelmshaven

Tel.:   +49 4421 4808 876

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