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bash -i with installed and enabled bash_completion starting too slow

from sh I run:

sh-3.2$ time bash -i -c echo

real    0m0.218s
user    0m0.062s
sys     0m0.016s

sh-3.2$ echo ". /etc/bash_completion" >~/.bashrc # enable completion

sh-3.2$ time bash -i -c echo

real    0m2.657s
user    0m0.743s
sys     0m1.308s

I like completion. I wrote into ~/.Xdefaults

  ! By default rxvt start shell without args, so it interactive.
  ! But if it also login shell
  ! then ~/.bashrc will not be read. Awful!
  Rxvt*loginShell: false

and set SHELL=/bin/bash.

By Win-R rxvt I got bash prompt - but with useful bash completion it
starts too slow for interactive use (open rxvt, type several commands
and exit).

This problem especially actual in case of using TAB completion for
command at start of bash. I wait for about 4 second to get list of

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