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Re: Cygwin 1.7 deployment : disabling MD5 check?

Dave Korn a écrit :

I'm on the edge of massively deploying Cygwin 1.7 from Cygwin 1.5
(+400 workstations), and I'm concerned about the time setup.exe
takes to verify MD5 packages signature.

When the repository is a remote SaMBa share, it looks that
setup.exe download all packages one time to check the signature and
another time to install the package.

Is there a possibly to disable this check? As a workaround, I can silently synchronize the repository on the local drive and
launching the setup from there, but it's more complicated that
using a single repository on the network.

There's no command-line option for it - yet. (And I'm not really sure if there should be in general, either. I'm already uncomfortable about the mere existence of the -X option, but I had to be practical about it.)

For situations like this, I'd recommend building and distributing
internally a custom version of setup.exe anyway, so that you can edit
IDS_MIRROR_LST and point it to your own internal mirror with its own
mirrors.lst with just a single entry pointing straight back at
itself, and avoid any confused users trying to install from an
external mirror by accident.

So if you're happy with hacking the code about, just delete all the
contents of the md5_one() function at the end of  Or you
could try the attached patch if you want a command-line option for
it.  Builds OK but not tested yet.

I finally didn't change the setup.exe and I just rsynced the content of the repository (which is about 75MB) before upgrading from the local hard drive and it's way faster than installing directly from a network share.

No problem to upgrade from 1.5.x to 1.7.x hundreds of installations of
Cygwin : no script breaker, no weird workaround (besides the slow MD5
verification but it's not specific to the version change), I just had to
properly set LANG and CYGWIN environment variables and that was it. Great.


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