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Re: cron & Windows 7

On Feb 11 09:54, Pierre A. Humblet wrote:
> From: "Corinna Vinschen" 
> | No, that's not related.  But we had a few reports on the list already
> | concerning sshd and it seemed to be a problem with using a non-Domain
> | cyg_server user running sshd, which lead to a crippled token:
> |
> | This is not related to W7, but should be a problem starting with
> | Windows Server 2003.
> | 
> | Pierre, you know a lot about this authentication stuff in Cygwin, you
> | applied a couple of patches yourself, and you have a copyright
> | assignment in place.  If you think there's another problem lurking,
> | please help with debugging and patches.
> In this case there are no Domain issues. On this topic, I like your
> suggestion to add BUILTIN\Users when the DC does not answer.

If a domain isn't involved, why fails loading user32 DLL?!?  In that
case there should be no issue with the user account since the local
SAM replies with the correct group list.  Or not?!?

> Alternatively mkgroup could add all the domain users to the Users group 
> (that way it could be customized to each site, if needed). Variations: add
> such a switch to mkgroup or create a script to add the info.

Well, in the long run I'd like to drop the chance to add groups by adding
users to /etc/group.  This allows overriding AD settings for no good reason.

> So the only bug I can fix is to add the missing space in get_registry_hive_path :(

Yes, please go ahead.

> I can also look into pruning out unneeded (and expensive on Win 7) calls
> to fhandler_console::need_invisible
> I have been trying to find a description of why it's needed (flashing windows?).

Yes.  Windows 7 introduced a new application called conhost.exe, which
gets started now every time you open a console.  This application
handles all the console windows now and introduced a few neat little bugs.

One of them is the inability to open a console on another window station
just created in the same application.  The AllocConsole always creates
the console on the window station at process startup.  Reported to MSFT
in the Windows 7 beta phase, not important enough, won't fix.

Another bug with console handles is described in

Another bug is the fact that it's not possible to make console handles


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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