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Re: [gcc] FYI, libffi FAILs with cygwin snapshot 20100205, 20100207 & 20100210...

On Feb 11 07:40, Christian Joensson wrote:
> > A "diff ../../../objdir-156618/libffi.log testsuite/libffi.log" (where
> > the first file is the log file when using the cygwin1.dll snapshot
> > 20100207 and the second file is using the 1.7.1-1 one) gives me this
> > (as an example):
> >
> > 1c1
> > < Test Run By chj on Tue Feb ?9 13:17:04 2010
> > ---
> >> Test Run By chj on Wed Feb 10 11:39:41 2010
> > 115,118c115,118
> > < 7 8. 9 1 9. 3: 8 17. 12
> > < res: 8 17. 12
> > < 7 8. 9 1 9. 3: 8 17. 12
> > < res: 8 17. 12
> > ---
> >> 7 8 9 1 9 3: 8 17 12
> >> res: 8 17 12
> >> 7 8 9 1 9 3: 8 17 12
> >> res: 8 17 12
> >
> >
> > Note the crept in "." (dot) which is symptomatic for the situation...
> > if this rings a bell in anyone's ear?
> well, maybe this never shows up on cygwin developers' list.. but
> 20100204 works... 20100205 doesn't...

That's the same observation Marco made in
and it points to a problem in the new, multibyte-aware regex imported
from FreeBSD.

The change between 20100204 and 20100205 was a trivial change to
silence a cheeky gcc, and it only sets locale variables, which were
undefined before,,, to a start value of 0.  Nothing else happened,
but still, now we have a misbehaving regex.  How disappointing.

The simple fix would be to revert to our old regex implementation,
but that would mean to give up multibyte-awareness again.

A bit more complex but more satisfying in the long run is to find
out what exactly is going wrong.

What I need is a simple testcase, either a very small piece of plain C
code which shows the problem with regcomp/regexec, Or, if you're not
fluent enough in C, it would help to have the input string and the
search string which misbehave, like this"

  Input string:  "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
  Search string: "f.x"

In the meantime I'll have a look to see if I find anything obvious.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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