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Re: FLTK versions in Cygwin [was: Re: units: update, FHS compliance]

On 24/01/2010 18:00, Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
I'am aware that -mno-cygwin is no longer supported, but there's
nothing we can do until a working gcc-4 cross compiler exists.
So long we need to use gcc-3 for Windows/GDI builds (or Cygwin).

That's what I'm trying to tell you: -mno-cygwin mean(t) just that: NO cygwin. It shouldn't be the default on Cygwin to not build for Cygwin; after all, you wouldn't have the default on Linux to cross-compile to Win32, would you? If you want to provide the cross-compiling option, that's fine, but it should be an *option*, not the default.

Yep, that's what I expected, but didn't check (yet). This may
well be changed...

It should be, although the workaround is easy in the meantime.

I don't know cygport, but I can see one small glitch: Fluid is
> called fluid[.exe] and not fluid2, as in FLTK 2, and the man
> page is fluid[.man] and not fluid2.

Indeed, I didn't go so far as to run the package phase. (The 1.3 .cygport was basically a copy of the 2.0 .cygport, as they are both snapshots and have more in common than 1.1). Fixed in SVN.


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