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Abnormal exit in setup.log

Hi All,

In using setup version 2.677 I get the following comments in the /var/log/setup.log

2010/01/18 16:30:13 running: E:\cygwin-1p7\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/

2010/01/18 16:30:13 abnormal exit: exit code=-1073741795

2010/01/18 16:30:13 running: E:\cygwin-1p7\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/

2010/01/18 16:30:13 abnormal exit: exit code=-1073741795

2010/01/18 16:30:13 running: E:\cygwin-1p7\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/

2010/01/18 16:30:14 abnormal exit: exit code=-1073741795

2010/01/18 16:30:14 running: E:\cygwin-1p7\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/

2010/01/18 16:30:14 abnormal exit: exit code=-1073741795

2010/01/18 16:30:14 running: E:\cygwin-1p7\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/

2010/01/18 16:30:14 abnormal exit: exit code=-1073741795

2010/01/18 16:30:14 running: E:\cygwin-1p7\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/

2010/01/18 16:30:14 abnormal exit: exit code=-1073741795

2010/01/18 16:30:14 running: E:\cygwin-1p7\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/

2010/01/18 16:30:14 abnormal exit: exit code=-1073741795

2010/01/18 16:30:14 running: E:\cygwin-1p7\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/

2010/01/18 16:30:15 abnormal exit: exit code=-1073741795

2010/01/18 16:30:15 running: E:\cygwin-1p7\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/

2010/01/18 16:30:15 abnormal exit: exit code=-1073741795

2010/01/18 16:30:15 running: E:\cygwin-1p7\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/

2010/01/18 16:30:15 abnormal exit: exit code=-1073741795

2010/01/18 16:30:15 running: E:\cygwin-1p7\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/

2010/01/18 16:30:15 abnormal exit: exit code=-1073741795

2010/01/18 16:30:15 running: E:\cygwin-1p7\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/

2010/01/18 16:30:16 abnormal exit: exit code=-1073741795

2010/01/18 16:30:16 running: E:\cygwin-1p7\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/

2010/01/18 16:30:16 abnormal exit: exit code=-1073741795

2010/01/18 16:30:16 running: E:\cygwin-1p7\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/

2010/01/18 16:30:16 abnormal exit: exit code=-1073741795

2010/01/18 16:30:17 Changing gid to Administrators

2010/01/18 17:18:03 note: Installation Complete

2010/01/18 17:18:03 Ending cygwin install


Can these be fllagged as error for the operator to see as they accur instead of being buried in the log file?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Stephen Grant Brown

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