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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] [1.7] Updated: dash-; Obsolete: ash

According to Edward Lam on 1/21/2010 7:12 AM:
> DOS file paths and dash seems to NOT support them

Huh?  Give an example.  dash supports DOS paths the same as bash.  That
is, if the : doesn't already cause other problems (as in tar), then the
DOS path is handed on to native windows (and you get the nodosfiles
warning from cygwin1.dll on the first use).

> I tried to go look for ash but couldn't find it anymore.

dash IS ash - the dash project is a modernized port of the old ash code
base, with the goal of being even faster and more POSIX-compliant.

> Using bash seems to cause other problems in the build process (and of
> course it's also dog slow on this complicated project). Any ideas?

I'm not going out of my way to do anything for DOS paths other than what
you happen to get for free; if they work, great; if they don't, you've
been warned that POSIX paths are the way to go in cygwin.  If you REALLY
want DOS paths and faster execution, look to mingw, not cygwin.

Don't work too hard, make some time for fun as well!

Eric Blake   
volunteer cygwin dash maintainer

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