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Re: BSOD after major release

> From:?"Lee D. Rothstein" <>
> To:?
> Date:?Fri, 01 Jan 2010 04:00:02 -0500
> Subject:?Re: BSOD after major release
>>> failures.)
>> ?Yeh. ?A falling hippo will do that to your park zone. ?Youse guys wanna be
>> careful there, somebody might burn it down!
> It had to happen. MITMDTPTP.

Sorry for not responding - NY anyway :). So, I have Win XP + latest
drivers & updatets includding BIOS (that update dates only three days
:)). I've tried do such thing with ?default inastallation from mirror under safe mode + quick device profile. Both that
two critical packages are skipped under default. I use to use device
profiles in XP. Great thing - i can manually and quickly turn off
almost all i don't like includding hidden drivers and services (My
Computer/Properties/Devices/device profiles)
So, in this configuration do not work too.
Besides, bad_pool_header is rather memory leak error - and you had
such issue before do not connect
to that two packages.
King regards,
Sergey Ivanov

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