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Re: dg-error vs. i18n?

2009/10/24 Dave Korn:
> ÂBTW, I don't see why this is anything other than a gcc testsuite problem; if
> we want to use UTF-8 as the default encoding in the C locale, who's to say we
> shouldn't?

POSIX certainly allows it, but glibc's behaviour has to be taken into
account as well. If there was a de-facto standard of C meaning ASCII
that people rely on, Cygwin would be better off going with that.

> which it was for most systems until
> fairly recently, but now it's not just us but some of the linux distros are
> moving to UTF-8 by default as well and they have the same problem.

You mean they're switching the unadorned "C" locale to UTF-8? That
would be great. Have you got examples?


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