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Re: Passing file descriptors over a socket

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 06:41:16AM +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
>Charles Wilson wrote:
>> If not, what sort of "not" is it? (a) possible, but nobody has had the
>> time or inclination to implement (b) not possible on win32 (c) possible,
>> but REALLY hard -- case (a) on steroids.
>  Well, there's going to be DuplicateHandle involved in it, to copy the
>underlying os handle into the new process, but that's going to be the
>trivially easy bit.  The real *tricky* part is likely going to be marshalling
>the corresponding fhandler_* objects across process boundaries.  That plus
>there will probably be some required support to handle these fds and how they
>interact across process groups, close-on-exec, fork and exec, etc., etc., -
>all the usual tricky areas.

And, also what happens if you're communicating between two different versions
of cygwin.


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