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Re: How to install-libLTLIBRARIES dll to bin?

Den 2009-07-29 11:46 skrev Dave Korn:
Charles Wilson wrote:
Dave Korn wrote:

  Only libtool knows about the DLL.  Only the Makefile knows about the setting
of $bindir from configure.  Currently however the Makefile only passes the
path to the output in $libdir.  Therefore ISTM that the only correct solution
is to add a --bindir= option to libtool and modify automake or libtoolise to
ensure it gets passed by the makefiles when they invoke libtool.
Agreed.  This is still on my TODO list for the cygwin version of
libtool, and (obviously) for eventual submission to upstream.  However,
if somebody beats me to it, PTC.

Something like this? Untested as yet, I'm going to put it through a gcc bootstrap cycle. Should I be worried about stripping any final slash off the -bindir option to avoid inadvertent doubling-up when I append "/bin/...", do you reckon?

I don't think it's that easy, the dlname in the .la file is relative to the position of the .la file itself. It's simply not intended to to be an absolute path.

And you forgot the file tests/ in the patch...


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