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RE: Cygwin 1.7.0-48, Vista Business SP1 and Openssh

> From: Karl
> Subject: Cygwin 1.7.0-48, Vista Business SP1 and Openssh
> Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 21:16:36 -0700
> Hi All...
> I just did a clean install of 1.7.0-48 on a Vista box today with the latest setup-1.7.
> The process went smoothly :-)
> But I noticed one strange thing.
> If I ssh into the box as myself (administrator account), all is well.
> If I ssh into the box as another account (non-administrator), the mount table only has / and /cygdrive. What I mean by this is, if I type mount, I do not get /usr/bin and /usr/lib listed.
> Now if I log in interactively to the box as the other user, and launch a Cygwin bash shell, the problem goes away on subsequent ssh's to the box by that user.
> If I then stop all Cygwin processes and then restart the ssd service, the problem reappears.
> Making the other account an administrator appeared to make no difference.
> Thanks,
> ...Karl
If I add back the fstab entries for /usr/lib and /usr/bin, all is well.
I have attached my fstab file.
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