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[1.7] passwd: useless if used with a logged on domain user


I've been tracing some problems related to the installation scripts of
ssh (more info on another mail later), and the root cause for one of
the problems is the passwd misbehaving.
The test case is very simple. Log on with a domain user on a cygwin
shell. My particular case, it's an local Administrator, but not Domain
Admin (as 99% of users in a corporate network out there, I suppose).

~ $ id
uid=18606(security) gid=10513(Domain Users)
groups=0(root),544(Administrators),545(Users),10513(Domain Users)

Now, just try to do pretty much anything with passwd:

~ $ passwd -v
passwd (cygwin) 1.5
Password Utility
Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Red Hat, Inc.
Compiled on Mar 11 2009

~ $ passwd
passwd: unknown user security

~ $ passwd SYSTEM
passwd: unknown user security

~ $ passwd Administrator
passwd: unknown user security

Am I missing something here?
How can I make it work with local users, when I'm logged on with a Domain user?

Julio Costa

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