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Re: Problem getting flock with timeout to work

On Mar 12 15:40, Robert Klemme wrote:
> Hi,
> I searched the archives but could not find any related issue.  My
> problem is this: I use flock with a timeout but apparently the timeout
> does not work, i.e. flock waits longer than specified.  Script is
> attached.  Output is here:

The flock implementation in Cygwin 1.5.25 is not very sophisticated
and uses direct calls to the Windows mandatory file locking calls.

The next major release Cygwin 1.7 has a completely new implementation
of file locking (fcntl, flock, lockf) providing advisory file locking.
If you could give it a try, I'd be glad to have a tester for this
code.  Please start here:


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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