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Re: minTTY will not interrupt 'locked' process

On Mon, Mar 09, 2009 at 09:32:36PM +0000, Andy Koppe wrote:
>> Several times recently, I have executed a command on a "file" that was
>> apparently "locked". ?Any attempts to perform any reads/opens on the file
>> would block. ?When it happens, the only was out is to terminate minTTY
>> session (no ctl-C or ctl-\ will terminate). ?Is this a normal situation?
>I'm afraid I don't know about those locked files, but in any case this
>sounds more like a general Cygwin question. When you press Ctrl-C or
>Ctrl-\, MinTTY simply writes the corresponding control character to
>the pty device connecting it to its child process. The terminal driver
>normally turns that into a SIGINT or SIGQUIT, but applications can
>override that, or choose to ignore signals. Also, Cygwin can't deliver
>signals while a program is executing a Win32 function.

Right.  If a process is blocked in a situation where Cygwin isn't
expecting it, like when reading a disk file, then signals won't have
much effect.  This is actually more than a little like what happens
Linux when you try to access a file on, say, a bad disk.  Signals don't
allow you to stop the process there either.


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