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Is it possible to incremental update of the existing installed cygwin.

Hi all,

I've a existing installed cygwin but it is not up-to-date.  If I
download all of the latest packages and then reinstall them, it will
be time-consuming job.  Furthermore, I found that the difference
between my installed version of cygwin and the the latest distro,
i.e., the actually changed and newly added packages, are not so many.

Based on the above understanding, I want to know whether I can perform
a incremental update of my existing installed cygwin.   More detail
about this thing:

I also have a local pakcage repository of the last version of cygwin.
So I want to know are there some rsync servers of cygwin so that I use
them to synchronize my local repository to the latest version


.: Hongyi Zhao [ hongyi.zhao AT ] Free as in Freedom :.

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