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RE: Problems with remote programs using ncurses (aptitude)

Brian Dessent wrote on Monday, December 08, 2008 2:31 PM::

> SO wrote:
>> I have problems opening remote programs using ncurses library.
>> Aptitude for example. Menus and other interface components are just
>> garbage on my term on windows vista. Is there a solution for that?
> The answer will depend on what terminal you're using.  But first a
> summary of the problem: The application wants to draw nice looking
> boxes or lines.  So it checks the value of the TERM environment
> variable and then asks its local terminfo database what the
> appropriate characters are for that terminal, and prints them. 
> Simple, so far. 
[ lots of good stuff snipped ]
> Brian


May I suggest a gold star for Brian for this and other recent responses
which have shown patience and insight in the face of sparse information 
and have gone well beyond the accepted degree of helpfulness (for OSS
or commercial software), without ever lapsing into cynicism or adopting
a patronizing tone.

I suspect the ever helpful Brian may have stepped up a gear to 
compensate for the (hopefully short) absence of Dave, who in fairness,
also deserves a lifetime achievement gold star.

Alternatively, you might want to ostracise him for breaking with the
traditional cygwin WJM ethic and setting a bad precedent :)


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