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RE: Cygwin setup.exe via the cygwin shell

Ralph Hempel wrote on 31 October 2008 15:04:

> One thing nagging in the background is whether or not you can/should
> update your cygwin installation while any Cygwin processes are running.

  Well, there's obviously going to be a bash process running if you do things
that way, but hopefully that will just cause the replace-on-reboot mechanism
to come into play.  You will, however, have to /expect/ to reboot every time
if you insist on launching setup from bash.  (It should be possible to launch
it from cmd.exe or from a .bat file without this inconvenience.)

  It is, in general, very much for the best if you /don't/ do things this way.
Replace-on-reboot can help, but I think it's quite possible that postinstall
scripts might fail if you have a half-updated installation waiting for a
reboot to become valid again.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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