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Re: cygwin g++ strictness

----- Original Message ----- From: "Peter Rosin"
Sent: 31 October 2008 15:19
Subject: Re: cygwin g++ strictness

I some projects I'm involved with there's quite a bit of the following:


int.c:6: warning: int format, int32_t arg (arg 2)

I must confess, this has been a source of irritation for me too but at least
it doesn't stop the build.  It does however bring us back to the fundamental
question - when programming like this:-

int32_t i = 32;
printf("%d", i);

is it reasonable for a programmer to assume that a type declared as int32_t
will be compatible with "%d" when building for a 32-bit platform?  I'd be
surprised if there's a programmer amongst us who can honestly say he
wouldn't have made that assumption.


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