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Re: User name problem

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 03:19:08PM -0000, Dave Korn wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote on 28 October 2008 14:48:
>>On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 01:08:16PM -0000, Dave Korn wrote:
>>>>This suggests sending a blank email of the following form:-
>>>I also noticed that the list-unsubscribe addresses are broken; I
>>>dropped a note to the overseers' list on Friday.  However, at least for
>>>me, the web interface /is/ working: read on.
>>They are not broken.
>They certainly are not working as described.
>>You missed this part:
>I rather think I did not, since I complied with it to the letter.
>>"Remember that your message is being interpreted by a computer not by a
>>person so please use a blank subject and empty content in your message
>>to reduce the risk of your unsubscribe attempt being interpreted as
>That was *exactly* what I did in the first three of four attempts, and
>it still didn't work.  You can see them here:
>(In the fourth one I added "unsubscribe" in desparation, in case it
>worked around an overly keen spam filter, but still no dice.)

Ah.  I was in email scan mode and just saw the first listed attempt and
didn't think that anyone would try the case that was specifically
mentioned as something not to do so I assumed you missed the advice not
to do that.  So I misinterpreted the problem.  I will investigate

>> There was also other pertinent advice before this:
>>  "First of all, always use the automated unsubscription mechanisms...."
>That's what I was doing.  My understanding of "automated unsubscription
>mechanisms" include "mailing to the list-unsubscribe address".  (The
>"interpreted by a computer not by a person" wording that you quote
>above supports that.) If the advice only meant "web interface", I would
>have expected it to only say "web interface".

The "automated unsubscription mechanisms" phrase on the web page is a
hyperlink to the form on that page.  You just click on the link.

>> Again, if you are having problems unsubscribing do not send them here.  
>I didn't.  I sent them to overseers.  When /someone else/ mentioned it
>here I responded in order to direct them to the right place and let
>them know the problem was in hand.
>>Follow the instructions from the FAQ.
>So far you haven't shown where I deviated from them by so much as an

Again, if someone is having having problems unsubcribing, they should be
directed to the FAQ which tells them the right place to go to report
problems.  That place is not in paraphrased advice to the cygwin list
and, actually, the FAQ does not suggest that problems should be sent to
the overseers mailing list either.

I appreciate that you were trying to help and your accurate advice did
apparently allow the OP to unsubscribe but, as always, I'm stepping in
to try to make sure that there is no misconceptions here about how
mailing list problems should be handled.

I only responded to this thread because it contained six messages
speculating about what could possibly be wrong and didn't want someone
to use this thread as a justification for further "I can't unsubscribe
either" discussion here.

[I've reset the reply-to to cygwin-talk for any further followups on
this subject]


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