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Re: A $ in my path...

Mark J. Reed wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:34 AM, ProblematicRoutes wrote:
>> $ pwd
>> //sbs01/students_home$/csmith
>> This $ sign causes problems everywhere - with latex, with svn, with
>> anything
>> that uses ~ to refer to my home directory, because it expands to ...$/...
>> and bash tries to parse the $/ as a variable.
> Really?  I'm hard-pressed to think of ways that you could use ~ or
> $HOME that would then lead to the result of that expansion being
> re-analyzed for further parameter expansion as well.  It seems like
> you'd have to go out of your way to make that be a problem.
> But the workaround, if you have the privileges to do it, would be to
> make a $-less symbolic link and change your passwd entry to match.

Dear Mark, Sid

I'm not sure why it is being expanded then, but if I use includes in latex
(for example, \input{../someinclude.tex}) or a script like the following
that causes the problem to occur with cygwin:


echo Committing /cygwin directory in repo:
svn ci ~

I will try yours and Sid's solutions tomorrow (I think they're the same
idea? Correct me if I've misunderstood your suggestion!)  when I'm back in
the office, and hopefully they will fix the problem.

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