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Re: [PATCH] subversion-1.5.3 source: add aprutil lib to target

On 10/18/2008 10:51 PM, Ray Chuan wrote:
I'm referring to the latest subversion-1.5.3 source file.

Looking at build.conf, the subversion/libsvn_fs/ target
in should have the $(SVN_APRUTIL_LIBS) path for the
linker, but it doesn't. applying the below patch fixes this. (although
running could re-generate, i'm not sure
what parameters were used to generate the original, so imo one should
just make that one modification)

(libsvn_fs uses aprutil, without this modification the build process fails.)

How are you building the source package?

It builds just fine for me using "cygport subversion-1.5.3-1.cygport all" as the README instructs. This command does run The source package I provide patches build.conf to add the required extra libraries for libsvn_fs linking (as well as other required modifications). I explicitly exclude from my *.src.patch file because that is generated by the build process when using cygport.

David Rothenberger  ----

"Elves and Dragons!" I says to him.  "Cabbages and potatoes are better
for you and me."
                -- J. R. R. Tolkien

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