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Re: "mkpasswd -c" from a cmd shell outputs wrong gid (cygwin-1.7)

On Oct 11 07:29, Herb Maeder wrote:
> The "mkpasswd -c" command produces the wrong gid for the current user
> under the following set of circumstances:
>    * it is invoked from a cmd.exe shell
>    * there are no running cygwin bash shells
>    * output is redirected to cygwin's /etc/passwd file (with the permissions
>      that setup.exe sets on it)
> For example, the following should show the problem (from cmd.exe shell,
> directly after completing an initial cygwin install with setup-1.7.exe):
>    cd c:\cygwin-1.7\bin
>    .\mkpasswd -l -c > ..\etc\passwd
> For my case I see that it outputs "10544" as the gid, instead of the
> expected "10513" (Domain Users).

I can reproduce this.  Quite puzzeling.  I'll have a look.  It's
a bug in Cygwin, apparently, not in mkpasswd.

Thanks for the report,

Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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