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RE: Problem to open big selfextracting Zip files from bash - starting from scratch :-)
From: Dirk Napierala wrote on Thursday, October 09, 2008 11:48 AM
>Phil Betts schrieb:
>Yes, the file called sfx-file.exe
>I can make it available for you to test.
>Please just reply to my corp. address and I can provide you with
download details.
>The file content is confidential.
Let me get this straight:
You adhere to a company policy that prohibits using a Windows component
(cmd.exe) on a windows machine, but you feel free to send 1.5 Gig of
confidential info to strangers?
Anyone see a problem here?
(Sorry for the sarcasm, but I really couldn't resist.)
I think that you'd do better to sneak cmd.exe into your script.
Without a Confidential Disclosure Agreement in place, you might risk
permanently "tainting" the info as no-longer-confidential. INAL, so I
don't *know* if it would. However, I'd guess that angry lawyers will
have a better chance of getting you fired than angry IT people.
>> someone in your company who does have the authority to make changes
>> that system needs to get involved.
>Agree, If we reached that point we have to do that.
You reached that point *long* ago. Why not try now? (If you'd tried
while waiting** for a response from the list, you might have had a
resolution by now.)
Go to the policy guys and say "I cannot do my job unless you allow
XXXX." If they say "No", go to your boss and say "I cannot do my job
unless the policy guys allow XXXX." It's now your boss's problem, not
yours. If anyone complains that you're not processing sfx-file.exe, you
can legitimately pass the buck. (And if your boss is clueless, suggest
that he go to the policy guy's boss.)
(** I should acknowledge your self-restraint in repeating your requests.
Many OPs in your position wait only a day or two and you waited a week
or so.)
I'll presume the following.
- You've a "good" reason (company policy?) that you cannot use the
simplest solution -- using the cygwin1.dll version that you know works.
- You cannot download the source code and debug cygwin1.dll yourself.
- You cannot put this on a Linux box or use another POSIX-on-Windows
Let me summarize:
- This list is reasonably good with explanations and work-arounds.
- You seem to need a fix for cygwin1.dll, not an explanation or
Sounds like you are unlikely to get what you want from those in this
forum who are not cygwin developers.
Continuing ...
- The only thing you seem to be able to change is the cygwin1.dll.
- This is a volunteer project.
- You are the only person who has this problem.
- The cygwin developers are working on 1.7.
- The cygwin developers want to do as little as possible on the 1.5
I would then take the volunteer developers' hints that they are not
going to spend their time on this problem.
Consider Chris Faylor's suggestion
<> that you take a
support contract from Red Hat.
Or offer someone else (not me) some money to do it.
OK. One more try at a work-around.
I assume that
- the script cannot be changed,
- bash actually does the launching, and
- company policies allow you to somehow set an alias in the bash shell
that launches sfx-file.exe.
The idea is that when the script tells bash to run sfx-file.exe, bash
actually runs "something else" and that "something else" runs
sfx-file.exe successfully.
In /etc/profile or .bashrc or your script or somewhere, set up two
aliases. (You only need one but I don't know which.)
alias sfx-file.exe=/path/
alias sfx-file=/path/
Write the following two-line script.
cygstart /path/sfx-file.exe
An alternative three-line script.
cd /path
cmd /c sfx-file.exe
Putting the script in the same directory as sfx-file.exe is probably the
safest possibility.
When your script wants to run sfx-file.exe, it will actually run and that will launch sfx-file.exe.
Let us know ...
- Barry
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