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Re: Problem to open big selfextracting Zip files from bash - starting from scratch :-)

Thats what I did, and I did not found a reply to my findings which
I stated in
together with the requested files which allows trobleshooting.....
It is nailed down to the cygwin1.dll

I assume that it should not be a big deal for someone who is a
developer to create such a SFX file on its own for testing.
If it is a problem, I can provide the original file causing the problem to a
location of your choice.
If you do not have free space avail to allow me put the file to,
please let me know and reply to my company mail address.
I will than put it on our ftp server and make it avail for your eyes
only. You may understand that this is company confidential.

Best Regards Dirk Napierala

Christopher Faylor schrieb:
On Thu, Oct 09, 2008 at 11:51:23AM +0200, Dirk Napierala wrote:
If I missed feedback to the thread below I have to apologize.
Otherwise I would like to recall this (my last post)again

This is getting old. Rather than repeatedly apologize for theoretically not reading a response, go back through the responses and make sure of the fact yourself.

I think that where it stands right now is that no one has a 1.5G
self-extracting zip file to play with to confirm or deny your findings.

If this is vitally important, you might consider purchasing a support
contract with Red Hat.


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