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packaging FriCAS and noweb

Dear all,

I'd like to maintain a cygwin package for the Computer Algebra System FriCAS

(bsd style license), and, since it requires it, a cygwin package for noweb.

I read the Cygwin Package Contributor's Guide, but I must admit that I did not
understand all of it.

For now, the most important thing for me is that I need to distribute FriCAS to
roughly 200 Students on Wednesday.  I guess, 5 days is too short to make FriCAS
available through setup.exe, but I do not know?  (I should admit, that FriCAS
has not made it into any linux distribution yet.)

I found some "unofficial" cygwin packages around, like

but I do not know how I could install them.  Is it correct that setup.exe is
the wrong tool to install those?

So, in short, I believe I can provide the source and binary package and
setup.hint (see below), but I do not understand whether providing this would be
enough for my students to install it...

Help would be greatly appreciated.  Many, many thanks,


Here is the tentative setup.hint.  BTW: should "requires" list the packages
required to run FriCAS (as below), or the packages required to build FriCAS
(then I would need make, patchutils, psutils additionally) additionally).  Of
course, it would be possible to strip down the list of required packages a fair
bit (emacs and tetex are not *strictly* necessary), but this would cost a lot
of functionality (i.e., no aceptable user interface...)

category: Math
requires: gcc-mingw-core gcc-mingw emacs-X11 xterm xorg-x11-devel tetex, tetex-base, tetex-bin,
          tetex-extra, tetex-tiny, tetex-x11 clisp cygwin
sdesc:    "A Computer Algebra System"

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