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RE: mkpasswd -l -d completed after 5 days

> From: Marc Girod 
> I started a 'mkpasswd -d -l > passwd.ld' process last Friday 
> around 15:30, and this one completed today (Wednesday) at 8:42.
> The size of the file produced is 3 MB, or 20142 lines.

I ran into similar problems with "mkpasswd" taking a long time on a large Active Directory (AD) domain.  I worked around the issue using the following procedure:

1.  Use "mkpasswd -l -c > /etc/passwd" to just add your machine's local user accounts and your personal AD user account to Cygwin's "/etc/passwd". 
2.  If you need to add additional domain users you can use "mkpasswd -d -u user_name >> /etc/passwd ". 

Likewise you can use "mkgroup -l -c > /etc/group" to add your local groups and your personal AD group to "/etc/group", and "mkgroup -d -g group_name >> /etc/group" to add individual AD domain groups. 

Run "man mkpasswd" and "man mkgroup", or see and for more details. 

Matt Seitz
Manager, File System Virtualization
Cisco Systems, Inc.

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