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Re: Success in accessing network shares on windows through sshd
Jani Saksa wrote:
If I understand correctly you can't normally see or access mapped
network drives on windows when remotely logged through cygwin sshd, but
I found a way and I have a couple questions:
1st: Why is it not possible when remotely logged with a user account
that can access the shares through local cygwin shell?
2nd: If I start a screen locally and them log in remotely and attach the
screen I can access those shares just like I can when running cygwin
shell locally - it does make sense but why is this possible while it's
not possible with plain remote login shell?
Have you seen and read through this?
Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd. (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746
A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?
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