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RE: Incomplete environ when running MinGW apps?

Paul Leder wrote on Thursday, February 07, 2008 3:31 PM::

> Eric Blake wrote:
>> Bash has two variable namespaces - shell variables, and environment
>> variables.  Are you sure SHELL was exported to the environment, and
>> not just in the bash shell variable namespace?
> thanks - I had no idea there were 2 variable namespaces. It looks like
> everything I can see in 'environ' was explcitly exported in
> /etc/profile, or ~/.bashrc, or picked up from Windows.
> Is there a way for C programs to pick up the contents of the shell
> variable namespace? In particular, is there some way I can pick up
> SHELL, or some other way that I can find out if my app's running on
> bash? 
> Thanks
> -Paul

Just export the variables you want.  That's the whole point of the
export command.

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