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Re: HDF5 and timezone

On Jan 24 10:19, Mark Hadfield wrote:
> I have worked around the problem with HDF5 and reported the problem to the 
> maintainers. I expect they will want to support both 1.5.25 and earlier 
> versions. How long has the POSIX-compliant
> form of timezone been available?

The timezone variable has been around since 1997, but it's called
_timezone for historical reasons.  Prior to 1.5.25 there was a

  # ifndef timezonevar
  char *timezone (void);
  # elif !defined(timezone)
  #   define timezone _timezone
  # endif
  #endif /*__STRICT_ANSI__*/

so you have to `#define timezonevar' to get the timezone variable.  The
problem is that this collides potentially with the definition of struct
timezone.  1.5.25 now defines timezone like this:

  extern long timezone __asm__ ("__timezone");

In theory (and if the code doesn't use the struct timezone) the below
code should be portable and should work fine with any version of Cygwin:

  #ifdef __CYGWIN__
  #define timezonevar
  #include <time.h>
  [... use timezone variable ...]


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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