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why can not get ssh passwd prompt

Hi Everyone

My requirement may be somehow insane but I really meet it.

First, I created an sshd daemon by cygwin on windows host (let it as host
A). Then I login host A by ssh and get a shell window. All the above is all
right for me.

Here is the problem, there is a bat file on windows host which would invoke
"ssh <host B>". When I run the bat file, it can not deliver the passwd
prompt. However, if I use a bash script to execute the ssh command. It is
all right. I also tried to run ssh in debug mode (-vvv) in bat file, it
shows server side is ready to receive passwd.(Is it possible that the passwd
prompt is redirected to somewhere else?) On the other hand, if I run the bat
file directly from a local cmd/cygwin window in windows host, it is also OK,
so weird.

Now I have re-written the bat file in term of bash to get it to work. But I
am still curious about this issue. Does any one have ideas?

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