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Re: Interesting looking terminal emulation for cygwin

Stephen Barclay wrote:
Gareth Pearce wrote:
Stephen Barclay wrote:

I have been using Ponderosa for a while, but something is not 100% with thier
terminal emulation, when paging up/down in editors (nano/pico etc) there are artifact
characters left on some lines.. I know this if off topic, but has anyone else
seen this? and if they have a fix .. :)

I have seen this with multiple terminal emulations on several platforms, I assumed it was a bug with nano/pico's base curses library or something.


SecureCRT, Putty, and Cygwin SSH to the same host(s) do not exhibit this problem. I have duplicated on
RH 8.0, RH 9.0, RH FC1..

I am going to play around with the terminal types and see if I can figure out if it may be a termcap
issue.... Thanks for the sanity check, making sure I wasn't going crazy...
To clarify, the artifact characters I see are the remants of lines that were previously on the screen. It seems that lines don't get cleared correctly and only where new characters have been drawn show up correctly.

And it only happens sometimes, which is odd.


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