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Re: ntfs ObCaseInsensitive & cygwin?

On Jul 31 15:39, Joe Smith wrote:
> >>* If there's a way to query the system to see if it "thinks" it's
> >>working?...
> >
> >Only under a non-Win32 subsystem.
> Umm.. CreateFile() is a win32 API command.
> It supports a "FILE_FLAG_POSIX_SEMANTICS" attribute, which claims to allow 
> case sesitive files? Does that not do anything? I would have thought that 
> would give case sensitive access through the win32 API if ObCaseInsensitive 
> was set to 0.

Me too.  But it doesn't work that way anymore under XP.  That, or I
stumbled over the keyboard.  While testing I was not able to create two
files only differing by case in the same dir on XP.  There's also a
weird setting in the Local Security Policy called "System objects:
Require case insensitivity for non-Windows subsystems." beginning with
Windows XP.  The help text available since Vista is an interesting

"This security setting determines whether case insensitivity is enforced
 for all subsystems. The Win32 subsystem is case insensitive. However,
 the kernel supports case sensitivity for other subsystems, such as

 If this setting is enabled, case insensitivity is enforced for all
 directory objects, symbolic links, and IO objects, including file
 objects. Disabling this setting does not allow the Win32 subsystem to
 become case sensitive.

 Default: Enabled."


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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