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Re: screen - doesn't call .bashrc at startup

* yitzle (Wed, 25 Jul 2007 00:17:50 -0400)
> > Then on my Fedora Core system '/etc/screenrc' contains:
> >
> > # make the shell in every window a login shell
> > #shell -$SHELL
> >
> > So maybe look in '/etc/screenrc' and see if there's a similar setting there
> > that you can enable?  Otherwise, just add it to your '~/.screenrc'.
> That line does the trick. Thanks!

If this "does the trick" then your system is seriously screwed. 
.bashrc is *not* sourced for login shells. Why don't you have a look 
at the man page?!

By the way: your problem is probably the oldest and most often asked 
bash FAQ.

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