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Re: sshd timestamp logging

On 2/26/07, Andrew Louie wrote:
On 2/26/07, DePriest, Jason R.  wrote:
> Read the book!
> First lines of /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/syslog-ng.README
> If you want to use syslog-ng, just run the /usr/bin/syslog-ng-config
> script.  This script will create a default configuration file
> /etc/syslog-ng.conf and it will install syslog-ng as a service on NT
> systems on request.

Okay I got it to work and am posting how i did it incase some poor
soul like myself runs into the same problem.

1) use the setup.exe to install the syslog-ng package

2) run: $/usr/bin/syslog-ng-config
    follow the prompts and install as a service

3) read the help on the syslog-ng.conf (man syslog-ng.conf)
       define sources, destinations, filters(if necessary) and connect
them with "log" statements

3) edit the /etc/syslog-ng.conf file and add the following source: udp(ip("") port(514)); # ip: localhost, port 514 is syslog, look in /etc/services for definitions of other ports

4) remember to hook up the source to a destination (like messages)

5) save, and start the syslog-ng service (cygrunsrv -S syslog-ng)


If the service fails to start make sure that SYSTEM or whoever you run
the syslog-ng service as can read/write /var/log/syslog-ng.log.

if the service starts but is not logging messages, restart the service
with the -d arguement (debug) and run a tail -f /var/log/syslog-ng.log
to see more helpful messages as they appear.

-- -Andrew Louie

Sorry about the e-mail address I forgot again!! =/ -- -Andrew Louie

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