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Re: /dev/null timing and clock skew problems

On Feb 25 23:04, Aaron Gray wrote:
> I am doing make based builds on Cygwin and am getting following warning 
> messages multiple times in stdout :-
>        make[2]: Warning: File `/dev/null' has modification time 0.0096 s in 
> the future
>        make[2]: warning:  Clock skew detected.  Your build may be 
> incomplete.
> I am using Windows XP.
> Anyone know what is going on and how to correct it ?

/dev/null's timestamps are faked since /dev/null is just another name
for the Windows NUL device (or rather, NT's \Device\Null device).  The
timestamps you get from stat() are just the current system time,
converted into a file time.  This can result in conversion inaccuracy,
apparently.  Nothing we can do against for the current release.  Remove
the check against /dev/null or convert it to a check against some other
random file.  I'm wondering what this is supposed to do anyway.

In the long run, maybe it would be better in Cygwin to set the timestamp
for devices to epoch.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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