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Re: Setting up a ssh service

I had made these instructions copied off somewhere a while back for
setting up sshd service on windows...

add a new entry to system variables:
New variable name is CYGWIN, variable value is ntsec

Also add to the Path system variable and click the "Edit" edit button
and append to it:

open cygwin... (make sure openssh is installed, if not get it by running cygwin's setup.exe) Run:
ssh-host-config (on slower computers, it may take several minutes to generate the dsa keys)
When the script asks you about "privilege separation", answer yes
When the script asks you about "install sshd as a service", answer yes
When the script asks you for "CYGWIN="     your answer is ntsec

start the sshd service
net start sshd
cygrunsrv -S sshd)

harmonize Windows user information with cygwin, otherwise users cannot
log into shh.
mkpasswd creates a password file from Windows' user list...include
Windows security information, but the actual passwords are determined
by Windows, not by the content of /etc/passwd.
mkgroup creates a group file from Windows' user list
mkpasswd   --local   >   /etc/passwd
mkgroup   --local    >   /etc/group


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