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Re: Cygwin developer needs Vista

On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 10:04:16AM -0800, William Deegan wrote:
>Sounds like this:
>(MSDN OS Subscription)
>Is what is really needed.

Yes, that would be wonderful.  Corinna has that through Red Hat and I
used to have it when I worked for Red Hat.  MSDN subscriptions are a lot
of money, though.

Btw, if the eval copies are full licenses and it is legal to provide to
a third-party, I'd be happy to accept one.

Again, please feel free to copy me off-channel about this issue if you
want: me at cgf dot cx.


>On 2/22/07, Gregg Levine <> wrote:
>>I happen to have here a couple of eval copies of the product. They
>>were courtesy of the representative from Microsoft at the release
>>activities of last month.
>>I think its just the 32bit one, but your welcome to two copies of the
>>eval copy collection I have here. I do not even expect to install any
>>of them here unless necessary.

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