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Re: Why binary mode?

Thank you, Corinna.

Now I think I have a fundamental understandig problem:
I agree, that this behavior ist not to be expected in a binary mounted directory. I tested this for confirmation, according to your suggestion, and you are right.

But in a textmode mounted directory, 'echo peng >p.txt' creates
a 6 byte long file containing 'p' 'e' 'n' 'g' '\r' '\n'.
OK, exactly as expected. Now I thought, 'cat p.txt' would open this file for reading in textmode, according to the default rule.

This is, what I expect, after reading the Cygwin FAQ:
"When processing in text mode, [...] written to the file [...] you in fact get "Hello\r\n". Upon reading this combination, the \r is removed [...]".
Why is it in fact not removed when reading with cat?

Thanks for any response.

Best regards,

On Feb 22 11:29, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
$ mount
c:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\lib\X11\fonts on /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts type system (binmode)
C:\cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type system (textmode)
C:\cygwin\lib on /usr/lib type system (textmode)
c:\cygwin\tmp on /tmp type system (binmode)
C:\cygwin on / type system (textmode)
Your home is mounted textmode.

c: on /c type system (textmode)
$ pwd
$ echo peng >p.txt && CO=$(cat p.txt) && od -c <<<"$CO"
0000000   p   e   n   g  \r  \n

Which explains this behaviour. The tools are using the default mode, which is textmode in your case. I suggest replacing all textmode mounts with binmode mounts.



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