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Re: cygwin and svn on Windows Vista

Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Feb 21 00:54, Andy Wu wrote:
When I try to do a checkout or export from a svn repository, I get the
following error message:

svn checkout svn+ssh://[path]/[to]/[repository]
11 [main] svn 1472 child_copy: linked dll data write copy failed,
0x317000..0x3170B0, done 0, windows pid 3628, Win32 error 487
svn: Can't create tunnel: Resource temporarily unavailable

This seems to be happening only on Vista (darn Microsoft), and so
command line svn doesn't seem to be working in cygwin. I'm on the
latest cygwin 1.5.24-1 and the svn version is 1.4.2.

I know that Vista is actually not yet supported,

Cygwin runs on Vista and it's supported. Did you try rebasing? See /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/rebase-2.4.3.README

Svn command-line (1.4.2 r22196) seems to work just fine for me in Cygwin on Vista.

In my case I /did/ rebaseall to 0x65000000 when trying to solve an unrelated problem however (it was due to an old cygwin1.dll from a crap installer in \windows\system).

Does it happen only when doing a checkout or export from an ssh repository?


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