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Re: Cygwin SSHD AD-authentication using only AD groups

Jason St. Pierre wrote:

> I've been perusing the newsgroups for the past week and have been unable to 
> find a discussion touching on my dilema. 
> I'm looking to get SSHD to grant access to users in a specific Active 
> Directory global group. I've seen postings discussing how to grant access to 
> individual AD users but this isn't an option for me. I'm using version 
> CYGWIN_NT-5.2 1.5.19(0.150/4/2) 2006-01-20 13:28. Anyone have any thoughts on 
> how this can be accomplished?

I don't know if it works with AD but, have you seen `man sshd_config`?

Option AllowGroups should work after you create /etc/group using mkgroup.
René Berber

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