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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd
On Wed, Feb 21, 2007 at 09:20:01PM +0100, Michael wrote:
>>If all you want is an ssh server running under cygwin check out CopSSH.
>>It might be easier to get running.
>great - worked right away, once I uninstalled everything from my
>pervios cygwin-installation! Thanks for that hint (although I'm a
>little bit sad, that I was not able to install cygwin-ssh correctly).
>only thing I was not able to do is, let an initial script run, when
>someone connects with scp to my CopSSH-server (.profile is being
>executed when connecting with ssh, but scp?).
>thanks for all your support
Just in case it isn't clear, if you need further support with "CopSSH"
you should use the resources at their website rather than asking
questions here.
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