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Re: ls output still truncated

Cesar Strauss wrote:
> Chuck wrote:
>> Folks I could really use some help here. I still cannot get the ls
>> command to work reliably. It worked for years and about two weeks ago
>> started sputtering.  I have completely unstalled all cygwin packages,
>> deleted the directories, and reinstalled from scratch. Even just
>> installing the bare mimimum packages and running a bash shell without X
>> or even a .profile, ls still fails to output anything 50% of the time.
>> One other observation I've made is there's a similar program named
>> "dir.exe" in the /usr/bin directory. It seems to do pretty much the same
>> thing as ls. In fact the file sizes and timestamps are even the same. It
>> works every time. I could just alias ls=/usr/bin/dir but that seems more
>> like a work-around rather than fixing the real problem. Can anyone help
>> with this? TIA
> Interesting fact that dir.exe works and ls.exe does not. Inspecting the
> source, the one and only difference between the two is:
> -- ls-ls.c begin --
> #include "ls.h"
> int ls_mode = LS_LS;
> -- ls-ls.c end --
> -- ls-dir.c begin --
> #include "ls.h"
> int ls_mode = LS_MULTI_COL;
> -- ls-dir.c end --
> For all purposes, they should behave exactly the same, except for the
> output format.
> It's a shot in the dark, but could you try:
> 1) Copy ls.exe to myls.exe and run it as myls.exe. Does it still fails?
> 2) Does ls -l also fails?
> 3) Does vdir.exe fails?
> Do you have antivirus or webcam software running? They are known for
> causing random problems in Cygwin apps.
> Cesar

No webcam software. I have av software but it's the same av software
that's been running for 2 years and never caused a problem before -
Symantec I can't remove it. It's a corporate PC and it's
against corporate policy to remove it.

I created myls as you said and can not get it to fail. You may be on to
something! I just ran myls 30 times in a row on the one directory that
ls chokes on most often - /cygdrive. It didn't fail once. Ls on the
other hand fails almost 50% of the time.

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