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Re: ls output still truncated

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
> On 02/20/2007, Chuck wrote:
>> Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
>> > Can you send the output of a successful 'ls -l' from within a directory
>> > with one file and then the strace of a failing case of 'ls' within this
>> > directory and a non-failing case of the same to the list?
>> > > Does it work fine without 'tty' set for bash run at cmd.exe?
>> > >
>> Your wish is my command. Attached are two strace output files. The names
>> should be self-explanatory.
> What is the path to this directory?  What's the listing ('ls -l') of this
> directory?  What's the difference, if any, when 'ls' is run in this
> directory without 'tty' set in the CYGWIN environment variable (this needs
> to *not* be set at shell start-up time)?

The path to the directory is  /cygwin/home/CHamilto/test. The ls -l
listing (when it works) is...

$ ls -l
total 49120
drwxr-xr-x+  2 CHamilto Domain Users        0 Feb 20 15:54 ./
drwxr-xr-x+ 18 CHamilto Domain Users        0 Feb 20 15:54 ../
-rwxr-xr-x   1 CHamilto Domain Users 50297564 Feb 20 12:22 test.wav*
$ pwd

CYGWIN was not set when I ran it as you can see below.

$ set | grep CYGWIN

I downloaded the source for coreutils and see that in ls.c the same
source code is used to compile ls, dir, and vdir. The strange thing is
that dir and vdir never fail. Only ls does. I haven't figured out how to
compile with the debugging info yet.

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