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Re: unkown proc directory in root

On Mon, Feb 19, 2007 at 10:59:26AM +0100, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>On Feb 19 17:27, Wynfield Henman wrote:
>> I just noticed a new (or I just noticed it) directory in what should
>> be the root directory or C:\cygwin, which should be the same as I
>> understand it.  But, why do I get different contents, i.e., an
>> interesting subdirectory "proc" only shows up on  ls /, but not
>> ls /cygdrive/c/cygwin as shown below:
>> $ ls /
>> bin       cygwin.bat  debug.log  home  libexec  sbin  usr
>> cygdrive  cygwin.ico  etc        lib   proc     tmp   var
>> $ ls /cygdrive/c/cygwin
>> bin       cygwin.bat  debug.log  home  libexec  tmp  var
>> cygdrive  cygwin.ico  etc        lib   sbin     usr
>/proc is a virtual directory.  It doesn't exist on the disk.  It's
>the same /proc as on Linux, just smaller and more restricted in its

And, it's been in cygwin for quite some time...


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